Rebirth of the Spectravideo 738 MSX
InfoDocMSX is an attempt to create a platform for various mods, hackers and projects related to MSX SVI 738.
Please become a member and make suggestions (the material will be reviewed before publishing) on projects, mods, hacks and documents.
Information in InfoDocMSX is pro Bono and freebie, in addition to credo which accrues to those who create documents / mods / hack.
Note, however, that all mods, hacks and upgrades are done at your own risk and no requirements or legal case can be made to InfoDocMSX or me personally.
For general MSX info and Community I recommended that you become a member of MSX.org, the idea with InfoDocMSX is to keep it strictly to SVI 738.
(also available in MSX.org community there with alias lkpalwa in case you are wondering)

InfoDocMSX is divided into 5 different tracks:
Mods & Hacks, Upgrads, The ULA project, Documentation and Test/Review of various accessories and games tested against SVI 738.
Do not hesitate to send your own tests on various accessories you have bought / built for your SVI.
If you have documents that you own or have in digital format, please contact us. (the larger community the easier to maintain and preserve documents and information for future MSX and SVI users)
InfoDocMSX is starting up, so please send us your comments and help us to grow the information about the SVI 738 computer from the eighties. Help with info, mods and articles are welcome.
All work is done in Pro Bono - so all help is all help is appreciated. Contact Us if you want to join the project.

MSX2, MSX2+ step by step instructions

Reverse Engineering of the ULAs in SVI
"Great things are done by a series of small things brought together"
Vincent van Gogh